100 Days : Day 1

100 days from the writing of this post is December 19, 2020.
100 days, $100, 100 tasks.
My goal is to accomplish 100 tasks that will make my life better. Alongside that goal, I want to earn $10,000 by making $100 a day for 100 days. There will be days that I hit the target and there will be days that I miss the target drastically. 
This blog will serve as my accountability and chart my progress in this 100 day journey.
Today starts Day 1.
Accomplishments for the day:
  • Migrated email on my domain (teter.us) for proper email authentication through an SMTP relay. 
    • Saves me $72 a year once the migration is complete. (Used to cost me $144, but knew I would migrate eventually so I downgraded my plan at my old provider.)
  • Emailed drone footage to my grandfather.
    • I took some pictures and videos at his farm on September 4th. He had a tree fall down into the cornfield and wanted to know how many rows of corn will be lost and develop a strategy for removing the tree. 


  • I was nowhere near close to earning $100 on this first day. This is in large part due to not having any paid opportunities for the day.

This article was updated on Tuesday, November 17, 2020