100 Days : Day 68

This is where I'm back to posting on the day (or before/after) after a long hiatus. Life got a lot more challenging over the past month of posts, and I plan to fill in backwards and remove bits and pieces and change the format of past posts. (Not changing posts that I've already written, but ones that I will write in retrospect.)

Part of the reason for the reformatting is that retrospection that far into the past is different than writing about the present. Some of the big issues that I felt and stresses I felt then don't feel so extreme and I've dealt with some of the problems with therapy.

I had only made it 10 days in posting in the first run, and I think I need to readjust my expectations on how often I'll be able to post. My life is much busier and the ability to prioritize retrospection is not high and I'd rather do it in a therapeutic session where there is a response than a blog that feels like shouting into the void.

Today is Tuesday, November 17th.


I had one of my last sessions with my personal trainer (she's an intern) and we did the same assessments as I did when we originally started training. I had modest improvements in most areas, which felt good to at least be about the same. I felt less tired after completing this round, and I'm not sure what fitness looks like for me moving forward.


I remembered to take the trash/recycling out today!

Opportunities for Growth:

Time management: I need to find a way to grapple with my schedule more and make time for cleaning up my room/keeping it clean and keeping up with laundry. I have time in longer blocks, but I need those to recover from 55+ hour weeks. 

Current Standings:

This is a section I plan to remove. My finances have gotten way more complicated and I know that I will have no difficulty making $10,000. My spending habits need to change and have been changing as I am learning to cook and ensure that each expense is going towards something that moves me forward.

This article was updated on Tuesday, November 17, 2020