100 Days : Day 10

This was one of my most productive, yet unproductive days of all time. I moved a lot of personal goals further and made strides on long term quality of life improvements. 

I decided to make a few decisions that change how I interact with people and manage my risk with coronavirus, and recognized I need to keep moving forward with certain activities. I am absolutely not "I'm going to live my life" and act like it is normal, but I'm being more deliberate and weighing risk to myself and risk to others. 

Today is Saturday, September 19th.


Today marked the first return to the gym I attend and the community I call home. It felt strange to be back and my body was definitely not happy (trying to workout with a hangover was not a good idea). I missed it, and it felt good to be back.


The gym will eventually become a routine again, and I don't think I did anything else in this category. Win some, have an opportunity for growth on some.

Opportunities for Growth:

I need to listen to my body better and recognize when I can push my body further and when I need to dial it back. 

Current Standings:

~$400/$10,000 (pending paycheck)

This article was updated on Sunday, September 27, 2020