100 Days : Day 2

Having an objective leads to a lot of clarity that I didn't have in my day to day life before. I don't think I've accomplished a lot, but I'm much more willing to start projects now and take the risk that it might not be perfect. 

The format of these posts is still up in the air. I am going to continue to adapt them as I go along to ensure it captures the information I want to record and reflect on.

Day 2.


  • Cleaned off my bed and desk.
    • I have a bad habit of placing items all over the flat surfaces in my room. I'd like to try and keep the room more functional and ensure items end up in their proper places.
    • Idea: I can start by creating a routine of picking up/taking care of 2 items every time I switch locations. I got this idea from Reddit (Link) and I think it could make a difference to the stacks of papers, boxes, and various electronics. 


This is a new category that I think makes sense to include since these aren't tasks above and beyond the regular life. I probably won't each task each time, but they will be occasional side characters that ensure that I'm still moving forward.

  • Mowed the yard and fixed the spot in my yard where my electric lawnmower died. 
    • Having an electric battery-powered lawnmower is fantastic. I can listen to music while mowing because its incredibly quiet. I also appreciate not having to fill up a small tank of gas, which is something I wouldn't need for anything other than a lawnmower. I also have an electric chainsaw which has a lot of the same benefits, but I elected to purchase a corded one since I knew that I wouldn't be using it with enough frequency to justify the additional cost of a battery.


This is only day 2, and right now I haven't hit any of the monetary goals so far but I'm not dissuaded as I know that I've got some upcoming opportunities. 

Current Standings:

$100 : 0 days accomplished, $0 total

This article was updated on Saturday, September 12, 2020