100 Days : Day 6

Today was incredibly low stress and I hope that I have more days like this. Work had a good pace, I was able to accomplish a lot despite working 8 hours and I feel energized.

Today is Tuesday, September 15th.


$100 met for the day! This is in large part to having an 8 hour shift, which hopefully will become more frequent as a result of a few life choices that I'm sure I'll detail at a later point.


Walked my dog on lunch break. I've gotten more efficient with which route I take home, and pre-planning activities for lunch.

I'm hoping to start adding an additional post or video within the routine detailing a topic that I care about, or showcasing fun skills I have acquired. (I can fly drones commercially, and I have two drones for two different purposes.) I've been wanting to start a podcast or web series, and I'm fully set on the equipment side but don't want to start with nothing of substance. I also want to start making short films routinely but I don't have the comfort level or the scripts with the equipment I have. 

If I can get in the routine of capturing content, editing it, and then publishing it (even to a private audience of friends/family), I can refine my skills and get to a point where I produce videos with substance.


I'm not doing well in school because I'm so focused on everything else and I set aside some time to study but I tend to put it off. I'm going to school online and even though it is one class, I find it incredibly difficult to focus. I'm hoping that I can spend the next couple days figuring out what routine works and when I am able to work best on my continuing degree. 

If I don't find a routine, I'll probably choose to put school on pause until I'm able to find a way to make myself successful in school.

Current Standings:

$200/$10,000. I think I might make a spreadsheet/chart for this and post it at the bottom so that I can visually see how I'm doing. 

This article was updated on Tuesday, September 15, 2020