100 Days : Day 9

Today was a lot of movement, and I wish I would have carried a fitness tracker so that I could see how much movement I had during the day.

Today is Friday, September 18th.


I don't have the complete fix to my domain/email problems but I'm getting closer! I finally got around to giving the rest of my family custom domain names as well. Everyone can get in on the party! Might want to migrate my personal site to a different domain (potentially teter.rocks?) so that if someone does look up the website, it would be a family website and not be a shrine to me.

I managed to juggle a lot today. I worked in two different jobs, and managed to still hit goals for outside of work. I'm quite proud of how my time management is improving.


Took time to schedule in a visit with a friend. Right now a lot of these look strange, sitting across the back porch or video calling, but socialization is continuing to be important. The virus can crush a lot of opportunities, but we must adapt!


A friend recommended to me to shift my thought of "failures" to "opportunities to achieve something better in the future" as most items listed are more in line with that. 

Welcome to the new: 

"Opportunities for Growth"

I should have stayed on top of writing this post, but I woke up and forgot a lot of what I did come the next morning. Its okay, because my life isn't needing to be recorded down to the detail, but I should spend more time focusing on capturing what is important.

Current Standings:

~$400/$10,000 (pending paycheck)

(These are starting to get less accurate and I'll probably go back in time and map them to the real paycheck and put it in a spreadsheet.)

This article was updated on Friday, September 25, 2020